
Pubblicati in hotfix

Hotfix v.3.0.1

  • Css style in Modal and comments.
  • Redefinition of an internal url in another.
  • Add INDEX to sys_tag_taggeditem table for better performance.
  • Implementation of the Gino.Router::changeUrlQueryString() method to modify an address with the addition or removal of parameters from the query string. Implemented the Gino.Controller::REST() method for Restful Web Services.
  • Fixed bug.

Hotfix v.2.24.1

  • Fixed warning.
  • Implementing a function to retrieve the user's ip address.
  • Fixed bug: loading javascript files in the core.

Hotfix v.2.15.1

  • Changing the library lightbox
  • Updating the table nation
  • Updating the date field in the table auth_user
  • Code optimization and syntax
  • Fixed bug
    • change password in auth app
    • css modal
    • method getFromSlug

Hotfix 2.7.2

This update fixes the incorrect handling of BooleanField values in the radio input form.

Hotfix 2.7.1

This update fixes the incorrect saving the encryption method in the system settings.

Hotfix v.2.5.1

This update resolves the following issues:

  • Incorrect management of the rescue of the value of a field enumeration (for example in the registration form of a user), solved with the addition of value_type option
  • Incorrect use of the default value of a field model

Hotfix v.2.1.2

The changes concerned mainly the management of languages, and in particular:

  • english translation of the contents stored in the database and the strings in the code
  • updating the layout of the home page and the inside pages with the display of choice language

Hotfix v.2.0.1

The hotfix fixes the following bugs:

  • identifying user language
  • problem on the json list attachments
  • selected item menu
  • path images pages
  • namespace fields float
  • model setIsConstraint
  • redirects the form of association of users and groups to permissions
  • creating users

Hotfix v1.1.3

  • Implementazione della funzione finfo_file() per la gestione dei mime-type durante il caricamento di file. In questo modo non si prende più come valore quello dedotto dal browser, foriero di possibili errori (vedi Internet Explorer).
  • Modifica per ovviare l'errata identificazione del mime type del file css, ovvero text/x-c (file con commenti) o text/plain (file senza commenti) al posto del corretto
to be continued »